Reading Plan
Our theme this summer revolves around the seven "I Am" statements that Jesus makes throughout the book of John. As you head home we want to challenge you to read through the whole book John over the next 21 days.
As you read through John, you can ask the following questions to help understand it.
- What is happening in and around this passage?
- What does it say about who God/Jesus is?
- What does it say about people/me?
- What action do I need to take?
- What about you, who do you say Jesus is?
- What does this mean for you?
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Get Connected to a Church
Lakeview Covenant Church
1001 Jean Duluth Rd
Duluth, MN 55804
Lead Pastor Dave Hugar: dave@lakeviewcovenant.org
Next Gen Pastor Evan Kolding: evan@lakeviewcovenant.org
Mission Covenant Church
5161 S County Rd P
Poplar, WI 54864
Lead Pastor Darrell Nelson: darrell@missioncovenantchurch.org
Children’s Ministry: info@missioncovenantchurch.org
Youth Pastor Nathan Nelson: nathan@missioncovenantchurch.org
Moose Lake Covenant Church
700 5th St
Moose Lake, MN 55767
Lead Pastor Barry Anthony: barry@moosecov.com
Children’s Ministry: children@moosecov.com
Youth Ministry: layne@moosecov.com
New Life Covenant Church
5309 Dickerman Rd
Saginaw, MN 55779
Salem Covenant Church
339 N 59th Ave W
Duluth, MN 55707
Lead Pastor Steven Osborne: pastorsteven@salemcovenant.org
Youth Pastor Christo Moller: cmoller@salemcovenant.org
Other Churches:
- Big Lake Covenant Church, Cloquet
- Biwabik Covenant Church, Biwabik MN
- Gethsemane Covenant Church, Hermantown
- Grace Baptist Church, Cloquet MN
- Evangelical Covenant Church, Cook MN
- Hope City Church, Duluth (Central Hillside)
- First Covenant Church, Duluth (Lincoln Park)
- Mahtowa Covenant Church, Mahtowa MN
- Rock Hill Community Church, Duluth (Piedmont)
- The Landing, Proctor MN
- Darrow Road Wesleyan, South Range WI
- First Covenant Church, Superior
- First Evangelical Covenant Church, Virginia MN