Investing in lives transformed "where friend meets friend and both meet God".
There are multiple ways to give to CPBC. If you would like more information, please contact Kaela:
Covenant Park will use gifts as designated by the giver according to goals and giving options set by Covenant Park. If gifts exceed the amount needed for that gift, Covenant Park will move excess gifts where most needed.
Dining Hall Renovation Project
In order to preserve our beloved Dining Hall, a staple of functional ministry at Covenant Park, we are taking efforts to upgrade the building for structural integrity and efficiency and wider opportunity for use. We see this happening in 2-3 phases. Phase 1 will include lifting the building in order to put a permanent foundation underneath the building. The building sits in a low area that collects several inches of water during the spring and after heavy rain. We have seen concerning amounts of shifting in the foundational blocks the building currently sits on. The permanent foundation will solidify the building and provide better drainage so the building isn't compromised with the moisture. This phase will also include new decks and ramps, disconnecting and reconnecting of utilities as a result of the lift, and rebuilding the fireplace. We are also prepared for other small maintenance needs to arise as a result of moving the building and resetting it higher than it currently is now. This phase has an estimated budget of $250,000-300,000. The goal is to be fully funded by Fall 2025 and start construction with completion of phase 1 by the 2026 camp season.
The next phase(s) will take place following. Plans are still big picture with thoughts to winterize the building and do some kitchen upgrades.
We invite you to partner with us financially and through prayer as we trust God to provide for this big need! We are blessed to announce that the first $65,000 will be matched.
Give a Gift!
All gifts are tax-deductible. Below are a few ways you can help us end the year strong and further ministry in 2024!
Facility, Grounds, Equipment and Programming Development:
This fund is used for projects to improve the areas above. Here are a few priorities (not exhaustive) for 2024:
Finish Archery Area
Fill Holes and Seed Upper Field
Upgrade furnace in Lakeside Lodge as needed
Seal Dining Hall Floor
Purchase New Chairs for Chapel
Operational Budget:
Operational budget: This helps camp continue to run smoothly on a day to day basis. It ensures being able to keep up with bills and hiring quality staff while still keeping costs as low as possible for campers and guest groups.
Staff Blessing:
We are committed to taking care of our staff financially. We invite you to partner with us in an extra blessing above and beyond what we have committed to their compensation. Donations given will increase staff compensation. These donations allow us to continue to hire quality staff and keep registration costs as low as possible for everyone.
Allow kids to come to camp who might not otherwise have the chance due to financial hurdles.
Wish List
These are needed items that could be new or used:
- Commercial microwave for dining hall
- Propane generator system to power the dining hall
- Skidsteer or tractor
- Sturdy Picnic Tables
- Folding Chairs in New or Like New Condition for Chapel (total need 150 chairs)
- Commercial Skillet (6 burner) for Dining Hall
- Commercial under the counter freezer for Lakeside Lodge
- Boatlift with cover for speedboat

Kitchen Aid 5.5qt stand mixer for Lakeside Lodge.
Regularly $450

Yard Trailer for maintenance work
Regularly $550